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    10 commandments to regain your femininity

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    10_commandements_pour_retrouver_sa_feminite - Mustela Canada - 1

    The reflex: baby is sleeping, quickly, we have so many things to do! The Zen alternative: baby is sleeping, great, a break!

    Read while sipping tea, call a friend, treat yourself to a beauty ritual... and, why not, let yourself slip into the arms of Morpheus.

    Thus rested and relaxed, we will be more zen with the baby… and the dad!

    YOU WILL WEAR YOUR MAKE-UP LIGHTLY The reflex: fatigue, lack of time, restricted social life... we skip make-up. The zen alternative: in the absence of sophisticated makeup, we find two minutes for these 4 basics: BB cream, blush, lip balm and mascara.

    YOU WILL AVOID DORCES The reflex: supermarket, queue at the CPAM, ironing... We are always overwhelmed. The zen alternative: for everyday purchases, administrative procedures... we manage as much as possible online. At home, we organize ourselves to do our ironing while sitting down or we delegate it to the gentleman.

    YOU WILL PAPER YOUR HAIR The reflex: at best we tie it up quickly, at worst we get depressed to see it fall out, normal after the drop in postpartum hormones. The zen alternative: an appointment with the hairdresser to freshen up your cut, or even brighten it up with a few highlights. If the loss is too severe, make an appointment with your dermatologist without delay.

    SOME CLOTHES YOU WILL BUY YOURSELF The reflex: we no longer fit into those from before, we can no longer see in paint those from pregnancy, but we wait until we have lost weight to treat ourselves to a shopping session. The zen alternative: knowing that it takes 6 to 12 months to get back in shape, you can immediately indulge in low-price stores! A pretty sweater, two or three tops, pants... It boosts your look and your morale!

    THE GENTLE GYM YOU WILL CHOOSE The reflex: what sport, when, how? Now is not the time... The Zen alternative: instead of putting pressure on yourself, you relax in three steps.

    1. You do not return to real sport without your doctor's approval, once perineal rehabilitation is complete.

    2. We choose a gentle, smooth activity: swimming, Pilates, yoga…

    3. Don’t want to? Walk baby to the park, carry him, climb the stairs... Perfect for burning calories and improving tone.

    A WELL-BEING GIFT YOU WILL SUGGEST The reflex: when we are asked what would make us happy, we immediately think of the baby. The Zen alternative: to your parents, your sisters, your friends, why not honestly suggest a gift for yourself? A manicure, a massage at home, babysitting...

    YOU WILL RE-OWN YOUR BODY The reflex: no time, no desire, no moment... The Zen alternative: after childbirth, taking care of yourself and your body is the best way to regain confidence in yourself. femininity. In the morning or evening, leave baby with dad for 20 minutes to have some real time for yourself: bath, manicure, firming body treatment... And here we go again!

    PRETTY UNDERWOOD YOU DARE The reflex: after giving birth, the libido is not at its best and our body embarrasses us. The zen alternative: Let's reconnect with our figure with sexy underwear! Even if you're breastfeeding, you can now find pretty sets at low prices, a far cry from Grandma's bras!

    PLEASURE READINGS YOU WILL GIVE YOURSELF The reflex: “I am raising my child”, “The great book of motherhood”, “The art of being a mother”… all very useful works, but which keep us in a vacuum closed. The Zen alternative: also reading things just for pleasure. The latest Anna Gavalda, a women's magazine or Sudoku force 1... A little time for yourself!