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    • #Pregnancy
    • #Health and well-being

    Jogging…Can I still run?

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    Jogging_Je_peux_toujours_courir - Mustela Canada - 1

    You practice running and you are absolutely right!

    Like any endurance sport, jogging is excellent for your cardiovascular system, your blood sugar, your cholesterol, your bone density; it helps you better manage your stress and optimize your ability to concentrate. And, what's more, its practice allows you to sculpt and maintain your figure. As a future mother, it is therefore tempting to want to continue to benefit from its benefits... and to pass them on to your baby.

    Why not, but it all depends on your level.

    If you are one of the 2 million regular joggers in France, you will be able to continue your favorite activity until the 3rd or even 4th of pregnancy depending on your shape. Of course, you will always consult your doctor in advance and do what is necessary to jog safely.

    On the other hand, if you are new to this subject, it will be better for you to practice walking (also a very good endurance activity) and wait until your baby is 3 months old to put on your running shoes!

    Your logbook for jogging safely

    From the moment you receive the green light from your doctor, you can practice without forcing until the 4th month. Then, it will be better to move towards a gentler activity such as swimming or yoga. Until then, in addition to the warm-up and cool-down phases to be respected, you will also be sure to take a few precautions so that your jogging sessions are as beneficial to you as to your baby.

    Consider hydrating yourself more

    Good sports hydration is even more essential now that you are pregnant. Remember to drink ½ l of water in small sips 30 minutes before your session, a sip every 10 minutes during (stopping to drink) and continue this hydration slowly afterwards to replenish your stock of good minerals.

    Above all, do not force:

    20 to 40 minutes of gentle jogging twice a week is more than enough to keep you in good shape. Don't try to break records right now! And to protect your knees from the repeated impacts of running (with each stride, your weight is multiplied by 5...), alternate your jogging sessions with supported activities such as swimming or cycling, which are gentler on your joints.

    Put on the right running shoes

    Do not hesitate to consult a podiatrist to be sure that your shoes are well suited to the terrain and your weight. After a short assessment, this specialist may also prescribe the wearing of insoles in order to secure your stride and eliminate any risk of falls or tendon and muscle injuries.

    Pamper your chest

    You have noticed that from the first month of pregnancy, your chest is already heavier and does not cope well with the bumps of the race. Even if you didn't wear one before, it's now in your best interest to run in a bra designed for sports. This will protect your chest from sagging skin. Better yet by offering daily care specifically formulated for future mothers.

    Protect your stomach

    The more nicely your belly rounds out, the more your center of gravity shifts. To avoid the risk of losing your balance, always choose to run on soft, uneven terrain. Also remember to put on leggings reinforced at the abdomen level, they are as effective as they are flattering.

    And after your session, don't forget to treat your stomach to hydrating massages (the rubbing of the outfit dries your skin more) and anti-stretch mark treatments (running can sometimes promote them).

    Tone your perineum

    This muscular chain which supports your small pelvis is an important element in the smooth running of your pregnancy. However, when you run, the repeated impact on the ground increases abdominal pressure and therefore the pressure exerted on your perineum. To avoid weakening it, remember to also tone it during the session.

    Always listen to your body

    From now on, you are no longer running alone and must therefore listen to your body doubly. At the slightest sign of fatigue, stop jogging so as not to risk a fall or sprain... Indeed, during pregnancy, your ligament system stretches to facilitate childbirth and this hyper laxity increases the risk of tilting. ankle and knee.

    Don't forget that running is not the only way to take care of your body: pamper your skin too!