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    • #Pregnancy
    • #Health and well-being

    For you and your baby… Move, but in moderation

    Updated on January 10, 2025
    Pour_vous_et_votre_bebe_Bougez_mais_avec_moderation_520x500_9bc6f6c3-99a6-4762-a8e9-d27949d47945 - Mustela Canada - 1

    4 good reasons to mobilize your body

    We all know: being pregnant is not an illness and good health is closely linked to physical activity. The fact remains that, due to lack of desire or overtaken by a bout of fatigue, we can quickly be tempted to slip towards a sedentary lifestyle... Too bad because during pregnancy, mobilizing your body means maintaining your health capital to better support the development and arrival of baby.

    Less kilos, diabetes, hypertension:

    although the weight gain that must not be exceeded varies from one woman to another, it is clearly established that it must not be excessive. Walking even 30 minutes a day can easily balance the scales. Which also reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension.

    Good circulation, a heart in great shape:

    Weight gain and hormonal changes linked to pregnancy promote distension of the veins. Moving helps to better oxygenate the tissues and tone the venous wall so that venous return takes place correctly and prevents blood from stagnating. Requested regularly, the heart also learns to work economically and to react better during intense effort, such as during childbirth.

    Less stress and fatigue:

    By activating the secretion of endorphins, sport is the best stress reliever and provides healthy fatigue. It relaxes, improves endurance and allows you to sleep better... all important elements for better recovery, both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

    A back that is forgotten, easier transit:

    physical activity helps to naturally strengthen postural muscles and strengthen the abdominals to prevent lower back pain due to baby's development. And all this also provides a muscular massage in the intestines which in turn regain optimal activity and stop causing problems of constipation and bloating, classic during pregnancy.

    Choose your activity wisely

    Sport is good.

    But avoid trying boxing or kite surfing during your pregnancy! These are the endurance activities that should be prioritized, those that encourage you to sustain an effort for at least 30 minutes, without straining the body.

    Good activities:

    in mind, walking, of course! But also the so-called “portable” activities which also make it possible not to put any strain on the joints: aquagym, swimming (particularly backstroke to relieve lower back pain) and cycling, at a moderate pace on smooth terrain, up to Approximately 5th month of pregnancy. Yoga and gentle gymnastics are also recommended, but preferably under the guidance of a coach used to working with future mothers to avoid complicated postures.

    Activities to forget:

    all those which involve risks (climbing, diving, etc.) or require sudden movements (tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.).

    4 precautions before you start

    Whatever activity you choose, its aim is not to raise you to the rank of champion but simply to help you better understand the nine months of your pregnancy. It should therefore be neither a pensum nor a source of injury and will in all cases be reduced from the third trimester.

    The green light from the doctor:

    absolutely essential before starting or continuing a sporting activity. But also at the slightest alert: palpitations, nausea, dizziness, unusual pain, blood loss...

    Listening to your body:

    it is the best barometer. If you feel tired, don't force yourself to swim ten more lengths. If you feel your joints falter, don't insist: during pregnancy, tendons and ligaments are more flexible, which can increase the risk of sprains. The right equipment: a suitable bra to preserve your breasts, anti-fall sports shoes, etc.

    Nutrient reflexes:

    good regular hydration to compensate for the additional loss of water and mineral salts due to activity (otherwise, watch out for cramps, among other things) and a small snack before and after the session so as not to risk hypoglycemia and quickly replenish the nutrient reserves.