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    Care and toilet rituals

    Fragile, la peau de bébé est aussi riche d’un capital cellulaire unique qu’il est primordial de protéger grâce à une toilette et des soins spécifiques.

    La toilette : quels gestes adopter en cas de peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care Washing: what actions to take in case of extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Conseils d'application des soins - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care Care application tips
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Les bienfaits des soins émollients - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care The benefits of emollient treatments
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Les Croûtes de lait - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care Milk cradle caps
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    Le massage pour un moment d'éveil, de bien-être et de tendresse - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care Massage for a moment of awakening, well-being and tenderness
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    Le rituel du change - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care The ritual of changing
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    Le bain, un moment privilégié pour votre bébé - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care Bathing, a special moment for your baby
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    La toilette, un geste d'hygiène essentiel - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care Washing, an essential hygiene gesture
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    L'hydratation, un geste indispensable pour une peau douce et confortable - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Baby Care Hydration, an essential gesture for soft and comfortable skin
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...