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    • #Pregnancy
    • #Postpartum

    5 tips to re-stimulate your relationship after baby

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    5_conseils_pour_restimuler_votre_couple_apres_bebe - Mustela Canada - 1

    1/ GIVE YOURSELF A LITTLE TIME For all couples, the birth of a baby is experienced as both an immense happiness and a real upheaval in life together. Do you feel tired, do you feel no desire for your lover? What's more normal ! Your body has just experienced intense hormonal upheavals and you are overwhelmed by your new role as a young mother. And remember that, to a certain extent, your companion also suffers from the nights that baby doesn't have yet! Although some couples resume sex just a few days after giving birth, most wait 6 to 12 weeks. For specialists, there is no need to worry as long as the absence of sexuality does not exceed 6 months. Without necessarily coming close to this deadline, first take the time to rest, pamper yourself and organize your life as young parents. After which, your relationship will exist again, don't be afraid!

    2/ AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, GO IN LOVE As you know, routine is not the best spice for a couple. As soon as you have established a new rhythm of life with baby and found your new bearings... quickly get off the beaten track! Have your parents or friends offered to look after your little one so that you can spend an evening or even a romantic weekend? Don't hesitate, say yes. And if the proposal is not made to you spontaneously, ask for it. You both meet in a bar to share tapas, challenge each other in sand yachting or arrange a secret meeting in a museum or an inn... it doesn't matter as long as you regularly get away from everyday life! Lightness and fantasy are essential to revive and consolidate your duo.

    3/ AWAKEN YOUR SENSES The notion of “marital duty”, very little for you? So much the better ! Despite fatigue and lack of time, after baby is always an excellent time to experience other loving playgrounds. You are a couple of happy young parents, you feel good again in your body as a young mother, your little one asks you a little less at night... take advantage of this happiness to create a surprise and awaken your senses! A simple fine, impromptu dinner (and without waiting for Saturday evening) is often the prelude to a fiery reunion... A gently luminous setting which caresses the bodies immediately arouses desire just as the massage of a perfumed oil does not. has no equal to ignite the senses of touch and smell with pleasure... Each couple can play on the keyboard of their own sensuality.

    4/ GET AWAY TO CONNECT WITH YOURSELF BETTER Before the baby arrived, did you each have your own sporting or artistic activities, or a few friends that you saw alone? Don't cut yourself off from either of these little escapes. Not only are they necessary for your balance, but moving away for even a few hours can only increase the pleasure of finding yourself as a lover. Obviously, you will ensure that the frequency of your solo escapades outside the family cocoon is a little planned and balanced on both sides!

    5/ REINVENT YOUR FAMILY RITES Of course you are both grateful to your respective parents for being present, for helping you, for always being ready to look after your little one. But for all that, don't force yourself to sacrifice, every week, the long Sunday lunch which deprives you both of lounging in bed, like before. Are you afraid of hurting your parents' feelings? Don't forget that they too were a young couple... and are therefore perfectly capable of understanding your desires as long as you express them. Do you really have any qualms? Suggest replacing some Sunday lunches with a 5 p.m. tea time or an aperitif dinner. The family will still be together just as well but the routine will be a little shaken up, to the great pleasure of all!