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    • #La Grossesse
    • #Santé et bien-être

    5 anti-nausea solutions

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    5_solutions_anti-nausees - Mustela Canada - 1


    Did you dream of it? This is a good reason to indulge in this pleasure without the slightest guilt!

    An empty stomach and therefore a low blood sugar level favoring nausea, it is in fact recommended not to get up before having at least nibbled a slice of toast (more digestible than fresh bread). Ideally, you'll eat all of your breakfast in bed.

    And given the circumstances, the future dad will certainly be happy to prepare an ad hoc tray for you: bread or cereals, dairy, fruit but initially not too much liquid. Prefer to swallow your fruit juice or your cup of tea after getting up... 10-15 minutes after finishing your morning snack, so as not to upset your stomach.


    The anti-nausea nutritional strategy consists of both not remaining fasted and not overloading the digestive system. The ideal is therefore to multiply the mini-meals during the day.

    Eat a healthy lunch and dinner (grilled fish or meat, cooked vegetables), avoid dishes with sauces or exotic formulas and schedule a snack around 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. (fresh fruit, compote or dairy). And at each of these meals, take the time to chew well because the reduction of food and the salivary coating greatly facilitates digestion.


    Pregnancy is accompanied by olfactory hypersensitivity : a side effect of the hormonal influx. Thus amplified, odors that were previously pleasant or bearable become unpleasant or even intolerable and form many triggers for nausea.

    This is the time for you to be vigilant regarding the scent of tobacco, the trail of heady perfume or the fumes coming from the stove... Also remember to ventilate the rooms of the house well , not only to eliminate annoying odors but also excess heat which also promotes nausea.


    Nausea tends to increase with fatigue, lack of sleep and stress.

    So make sure you're sleeping well : at the first signs of falling asleep (yawning, itchy eyes), turn off screens and other tablets that activate alertness, lower the temperature in the room to lower your body temperature and encourage you to fall asleep.

    During the day, at work or at home, avoid electric atmospheres and always allow yourself a minimum of 20 minutes to snack in peace.


    Obviously, no alcohol. As for the soda made in the USA, well known in its original version to calm nausea, it is too loaded with caffeine and too sweet...

    Your best ally remains plain water (at least 1.5l per day) provided you prefer to consume it outside of meals, 20 minutes before and after and in small sips throughout the day. Drinking while eating or drinking too much in one gulp increases the feeling of being “too full” and nausea.