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    • #La Grossesse
    • #Santé et bien-être

    9 months in married life

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    9_mois_dans_la_vie_de_couple - Mustela Canada - 1


    Pregnancy is such a revolution, both physiologically, psychologically and emotionally, that it obviously has an impact on the couple's relationship.

    The future mother, now inhabited by a little being growing inside her, and the future father, captivated, worried or intrigued by this nesting, will little by little make their intimacy evolve in step with the baby's development. Trimester after trimester, romantic complicity will adapt to the psychological and bodily feelings of the evolution of the pregnancy and the sexual life will also be part of this evolution.

    Continuing an intimate relationship cannot harm the baby , well protected in the uterus and snugly isolated by the amniotic fluid. Unless there is medical advice to the contrary (risk of premature birth, in particular), having sexual relations until childbirth is therefore “technically” perfectly possible.

    The fact remains that each couple is particular and will of course approach the intimate terrain of these nine months according to their own history and their own cultural influence. In this matter, there is no standard. Just physiological and psychological realities to better understand in order to feel reassured.


    It is a great upheaval that accompanies the start of pregnancy. The future mother's body, then overwhelmed by a hormonal influx, reacts more or less intensely to this new situation with small disorders (nausea, headaches, fatigue, irritability, etc.) that are not conducive to romantic impulses.

    It is normal for the mother-to-be to refocus on what is happening inside her . It's normal that she also feels the need to reclaim her body, which is no longer quite the same either. Her usual benchmarks being blurred, the mother-to-be finds it difficult to invest herself in anything other than her pregnancy, navigating between immense happiness and a few waves of anxiety.

    Often, a need for solitude appears . Sometimes, the mother-to-be no longer recognizes herself and, a fortiori, her partner no longer always knows very well how to behave. This period must therefore be experienced as a duo with a lot of love, dialogue and understanding, everyone having to find their bearings.

    We should not worry that desire can sometimes be absent from the couple's relationship. This parenthesis, above all dictated by psychological reasons, is only temporary and does not prevent caresses or gentle attentions. When the little physiological problems are not very significant and the mother-to-be feels desirable in her new blossoming body, some couples very quickly begin a sex life that is particularly rich in emotions.


    Between the fourth and sixth months of pregnancy, the hormonal secretions are finally stabilized, the little worries of the first months are eliminated, the belly becomes nicely rounded and the future parents are reassured that the pregnancy is going well... everyday life becomes full of joy again. serenity.

    The period is often experienced as a “state of grace”. Including in the area of ​​sexual relations. Psychological obstacles no longer block a naturally increased female libido during pregnancy through better irrigation of the genital area... Some women also experience very fulfilled sexuality during this second trimester. It is also possible that the clocks of desire do not strike at the same time for both. As can be the case at any period of life. Rather than ruminating on the feeling of being abandoned or forcing yourself to make love, it is better to talk without taboo. The heightened sensitivity of the mother-to-be can have temporary repercussions on her libido. As for the future father, it cannot be ruled out that his late returns from work or his severe evening fatigue reflect some slight psychosomatic disorders.

    He too is asking questions and this second trimester may be the one where the symptoms of couvade manifest: he is gaining weight, has back pain... Dialogue without reproaches is once again in order, as are caresses and cuddles, to preserve and relaunch the couple's intimacy, especially when baby begins to move more sensitively.


    These last weeks before the baby's arrival are those of major preparations for the couple. The projection into the future is coming to fruition. We follow the preparations for childbirth, we refine the choice of first name, we arrange the baby's room, or even we change cars or apartments.

    The duo is more united than ever and focused around the birth. A little tired too. Which does not mean, however, that all intimate life must then be abandoned. And very often, couples discover new games during this period to get around the anatomical constraints of a well-developed baby...

    The sensuality and eroticism of a massage , for example, can then creatively replace a classic sexuality that has become uncomfortable. And love, tenderness and desire, are expressed through caresses and “skin to skin” just as evocative and sometimes better suited to the last days before the baby arrives. In addition to intellectual and psychological complicity, it is important to maintain bodily contact. It’s up to each couple to invent their own.