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    Holiday departure

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    Depart_en_vacances - Mustela Canada - 1

    The holidays are fast approaching.

    If you are used to leaving unexpectedly with a backpack, the presence of your baby will change things somewhat... From choosing the destination to packing the suitcase, discover our tips for vacations successful with a newborn!

    THE IDEAL DESTINATION With a baby, it is better to avoid regions of the world where the temperature exceeds 30°, as well as countries that require specific vaccines or with questionable health conditions: wait a few years to go to Africa, the Amazon or on a trek in the Himalayas…

    A stay in the mountains is possible, but only up to 1500 m altitude: beyond that, your baby's eardrums could have difficulty supporting the drop in pressure. You can also go to the seaside, but be careful of UV rays: a baby should never be exposed directly to the sun!

    Finally, the countryside is often the ideal destination with your baby: calm, temperate, with many shaded areas, it offers everything you need for a peaceful family vacation.


    All means of transport are passable with a toddler, provided that you respect a few precautions…

    By car, your baby must travel in a certified car seat adapted to his age, which you will place in a reclined, rear-facing position for the first few months.

    Never transport him in an unsecured bassinet, even if he is asleep when you leave!

    During the trip, keep the basic necessities on hand: diapers, wipes, bottles if you are not breastfeeding, a change of clothes, small biscuits if your baby is over 9 months old, etc.

    And plan for breaks every 2 hours, both to rest the driver and to relax your baby!

    Beyond your child's first month, you can also travel by plane: just remember to give your baby something to drink (breastfeed or bottle) during takeoff and landing, to prevent ear pain.

    Also be wary of air conditioning, which cools and dries the air: cover your baby well and offer him something to drink often.

    As for the train, it is in many ways the ideal means of transport with a baby: it can be taken from the first weeks of your child's life, by sleeping him in a maxi-cosy or by simply keeping him close to you.

    You can move as much as you want in the carriages if necessary, and the rocking of the train often has a soporific effect on children. To be preferred when possible!


    Going on vacation with a baby is often like moving…

    Plan to wash your laundry on site, several times if necessary, so you don't have to transport your child's entire wardrobe.

    Leave aside the superfluous and make the right choices to travel light: choose a sling or baby carrier rather than a stroller, get an inflatable bathtub to bathe your baby, have him sleep in a bassinet or foldable bed …

    As for the toiletry bag, take your child's usual hygiene and care products in small formats. Also bet on wipes, which are practical when traveling.

    And in summer, don't forget to bring very high protection sunscreen, specifically formulated for babies, as well as a hat or bucket hat and sunglasses.