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    Light legs... In 3 steps and the blink of an eye!

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    Des_jambes_legeres_En_3_temps_et_un_clin_d_oeil - Mustela Canada - 1


    If your legs are swollen and tired, it is because the blood is struggling to return to the heart. But rest assured, you will very easily be able to help him and feel immediately relieved!

    In the morning, start by toning the vessels of your legs by refreshing them under the jet of a cold (but not icy) shower, going from your feet towards the groin, paying particular attention to your ankles and inside. from your knees. Then, dry yourself gently then, still from the feet towards the groin, apply a treatment specifically formulated for heavy legs. Choose it preferably with natural and fresh extracts such as menthol for an express action.

    A treatment of this type, ultra-refreshing, can even save you the shower step. Finally, lie on your back and put your feet up against the wall for 5 to 10 minutes.

    This little break will allow you to optimize your venous return and permanently eliminate stasis in your ankles.


    Baby is gaining weight and it is therefore normal that in the third trimester your physical activity decreases! This is mainly why your legs are becoming heavier and heavier.

    Indeed, the venous network – called the Lejars sole – which lines the soles of your feet (arch of the foot and heel included), is no longer used enough and therefore no longer plays its role as a pump allowing the blood to rise mechanically. And as the muscles in your legs are not very stretched, they contribute only weakly to venous tone... There is nothing particularly bad about all this and you will be able to remedy it without tiring yourself out unnecessarily.

    Here are two small exercises that you can easily implement before your lunch break:

    Start by standing on your tiptoes (holding on to a piece of furniture) about ten times. This simple dancer's exercise will allow you to revive the activity of your Lejars sole. Next, use a stair step (holding tightly to the handrail) to stimulate your calf muscles. Simply place the tip of one of your feet on the step and gently lower your heel until you feel the stretch in your leg. Ideally, try to repeat this movement around ten times per leg.


    During the day, you are likely to feel heaviness in your legs again. It is indeed normal for the laws of gravity to catch up with you! So, don't hesitate to restart your venous return as soon as the need arises.

    Regardless of the time of day, you can use the following two tactics.

    Simple, pleasant and effective, they do not require great privacy. Always have a special heavy leg cream in your bag, the simple application of which will immediately relieve you. Some non-greasy formulas will prevent you from feeling "sticky clothes" and if you wear support, be aware that other formulas are designed to be applied directly to tights.

    Practical ! Also consider investing in a tennis ball! By rolling it under either of your feet for a few minutes, you can stimulate your Lejars sole... without even getting up.