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    On vacation, what should you think about in case of atopic dermatitis? Favorite destinations?

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    En_vacances_a_quoi_faut-il_penser_en_cas_de_dermatite_atopique_Destinations_a_privilegier - Mustela Canada - 1

    Written in partnership with Dr Clarence De BELILOVSKY, dermatologist member of the Mustela circle of experts.

    While it is true that vacation rhymes with lightness and freedom, you should not forget a few instructions and some items in case of extremely dry skin!

    First of all, question of geography. Can you go everywhere with your child?

    Of course ! However, you will need to be vigilant depending on the climate and the seasons. If you are flying to a place where it is very hot: sweating makes you itch.

    Likewise, the cold is not optimal either: dry air tends to dry out the skin.

    However, with good habits and the daily application of emollient treatments, everything should go well (see The benefits of emollients).

    From the beach to the mountains, each vacation spot has its advantages.

    Treatments adapted to holidays to take care of your atopic skin Your serenity will come mainly from what you put in your luggage... Wherever you go, think about:

    - its specific baby-child cleansing and emollient treatments. If you know that you will have no trouble finding some locally, there is no need to overload: just take enough to last you the first few days. When in doubt, it is safer to take enough to last you the entire vacation.

    - its specific treatment that the doctor will have prescribed for you in the event of a flare-up. Better ! By storing your prescription in the toiletry bag or with your important papers to carry with you, you will be perfectly prepared for any eventuality. - a very high protection sun milk without perfume, indicated for skin with atopic tendency and high index, if you go out in the sun.

    - cotton clothing and underwear, summer and winter... (Discover the clothing to choose for atopic-prone skin) Memo tips to prevent the appearance of eczema during the holidays Your child will rest with his or her adults -parents or cousins?