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    • #Le soin de bébé
    • #Types de peau


    Updated on July 19, 2024
    Idees_recues - Mustela Canada - 1

    Written in partnership with Dr Clarence De BELILOVSKY, dermatologist member of the Mustela circle of experts.

    I avoid giving topical corticosteroids to my baby. Because they contain cortisone, topical corticosteroids are often controversial. However, there is no reason!

    What you need to know: they have no side effects like corticosteroids taken orally could have.

    Applied to the skin in the event of an outbreak, once a day and locally on redness, topical corticosteroids are safe for infants, children or adolescents (see our file on atopic eczema).

    They are even particularly effective in treating inflammation quickly.

    When taking topical corticosteroids in addition to your emollient treatments, remember to follow your doctor's instructions in order to make the redness and itching disappear.

    They can also help your baby get back to sleep more quickly and have a better quality of life.

    The milk I give to my baby can affect atopic eczema.

    If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. He will be able to prescribe the necessary tests to possibly detect a food allergy and identify what your baby should avoid eating or drinking.

    Contrary to popular belief, cow's milk – and more particularly the proteins it contains – is not necessarily the culprit!

    Today, the best treatment we know to prevent and treat it remains daily emollient care and topical corticosteroids prescribed by your doctor for redness in the event of flare-ups (see how to prevent the appearance of atopic dermatitis) .

    My child's atopic eczema will develop into asthma. The confusion often comes from the fact that, around the age of two, asthma can appear when atopic eczema can begin to diminish.

    However, this is not related. If your baby has extremely dry skin, it is because he has an atopic condition.

    That is to say, his immune system responds excessively in the presence of allergens.

    This can also be expressed by conjunctivitis, hay fever and asthma, which are other possible manifestations in addition to eczema.

    Depending on the sensitivity of his atopic condition, your baby may be subject to a single manifestation or several without them being directly related. I cannot take my child to the sea or the swimming pool if he has extremely dry skin.

    On the contrary ! Swimming is a good activity because it makes you sweat less and therefore minimizes the risk of itching.

    For a moment of perfect relaxation, just a few simple precautions will need to be taken, in particular by applying a Stelatopia emollient balm or a very high protection sun spray without specific baby-child fragrance, indicated for extremely dry skin with a high index if your child is exposed.

    For the rest, the pretty waves are his. (Read about the actions to take on vacation) I avoid taking my child to daycare or school if he has an atopic eczema flare-up. No reason ! Atopic eczema is not contagious.

    Your baby therefore does not have to stay at home.

    For his greater comfort, perhaps you could simply notify the team who will be watching over him during the day?

    She will be able to pay him special attention, understand his mood which could be a little more grumpy...

    Afterwards, if you prefer, nothing stops you from cuddling him yourself that day.

    Redness, itching, skin sensitivity, atopic-prone skin...: no animals at home? And why not ? Of course, contact with allergens should be avoided as much as possible so as not to awaken your child's immune system.

    And hair or feathers are often part of it.

    However, the allergic reaction is not mandatory.

    If you already had a cat, dog or hamster before your baby was born, this early contact with him may even have given him immunity. It is best to consult your doctor to find out if any tests are necessary.

    If unfortunately the allergy to its faithful companion is confirmed, it will obviously be necessary to adopt some precautions such as prohibiting your animal's access to certain rooms or the sofa.

    And if you don't have any animals yet but your child dreams of having one, a beautiful aquarium can make them happy!

    Extremely dry skin is just a question of stress.

    Extremely dry skin is above all an allergic manifestation, often hereditary.

    On the other hand, it can be a source of stress: random outbreaks, itching, fatigue...

    Not only for the child, but also for the parents or loved ones who may feel helpless.

    And this stress can be an element that accentuates atopic eczema.

    Cuddly care or talking to your little one to explain what atopic eczema is can be the first solutions to make everything more peaceful.