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    • #Croissance et développement
    • #L'éveil de bébé

    Your baby's health record

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    Le_carnet_de_sante_de_votre_bebe - Mustela Canada - 1

    All parents know the health record: this little book is given to you at the birth of your child, in the maternity ward, at the town hall or in PMI. Free and compulsory up to 16 years old, it is intended to keep track of your baby's medical journey from birth to adolescence. But are you sure you know everything about its role and what it contains?

    THE BIBLE OF YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH A true medical database, your child's health record will follow him at each visit to the doctor from birth until he reaches the age of majority. Divided into seven parts, it covers all aspects of your health:

    • The perinatal period: conditions of delivery, clinical examination at birth, observations after leaving the maternity ward, etc.

    • Long-term illnesses and allergies, valuable first information in the event of an emergency.

    • Medical monitoring from birth to 18 years of age: you will find in particular the compulsory health certificates to be completed by the doctor within eight days after birth, at the 9th month and at the 24th month.

    • Growth curves, which allow you to follow the evolution of your child's height and weight compared to the average for their age.

    • Oral health: the results of the preventive examinations recommended at 6 and 12 years of age will be noted.

    • Hospitalizations and radiological examinations.

    • And finally the vaccinations, noted in a vaccination calendar which serves as a certificate: all you have to do is photocopy these pages if necessary, when registering for a nursery or school for example.

    Throughout the pages, you will also find numerous tips and information on a wide variety of topics: diet, sleep, safety, what to do when faced with different symptoms (fever, vomiting, difficulty breathing, etc.), teething, etc.

    Remember to leaf through it between two medical visits!

    A PROFESSIONAL TOOL… AND A PERSONAL MEMORY The health record is primarily intended for healthcare professionals: it allows them to have an overview of your child's medical journey at a glance.

    A valuable summary, because your baby will probably not always consult the same doctor: between the pediatrician, the general practitioner, the dentist and sometimes hospital doctors or various specialists, he will have to deal with numerous professionals who will thus have in his hands all the essential information about it. Therefore, always bring your health record with you during medical visits, whatever they may be.

    Please also note that the health record is covered by medical confidentiality: confidential, it cannot be requested from you in nursery, school or leisure center, with the exception of the pages concerning vaccination.

    Finally, for you, the health record is a nice reminder of your child's progress that you will undoubtedly enjoy keeping beyond his or her majority.

    From the age of 4 or 5, do not hesitate to consult with him: this will allow you to evoke together the memories of his birth and his first years, but also to gently make him aware of the importance of take care of your health.