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    • #L'éveil de bébé

    The best toys for every age

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    Les_meilleurs_jouets_a_chaque_age - Mustela Canada - 1

    From their first weeks of life, all babies in the world play spontaneously: first with their own body and that of their mother or father, then with objects in their environment or with toys if they have any of their own. arrangement.

    An essential prerequisite for all learning, play allows children to discover and appropriate the world, to exercise their new abilities, and to develop their intellect and imagination.

    Provided they are adapted to your child's stage of development, toys are excellent supports for their development. Select them carefully: well chosen, they will offer long hours of pleasure and discovery to your little one.

    In general, opt for quality material that is durable and meets child safety standards.

    Prefer bright colors, more attractive to little ones, and pay attention to the size and weight of the toys you offer your child: too heavy or too big for their little hands, they will not be used.

    Finally, be sure to respect the minimum age listed on the toys, especially for toddlers.

    At every age, certain toys are almost certain to be a huge success: discover with us these essentials for your baby's toy box!

    0 TO 4 MONTHS: THE DISCOVERY OF A NEW WORLD During his first months, your baby lies on his back and is not yet able to hold a toy in his hands. He awakens little by little by listening, touching and observing his environment.

    You can offer him:

    • A musical mobile hung on the bars of his bed, with small colorful figurines that rotate to a gentle melody.

    • An activity mat with arches equipped with small toys hanging above him, which he can observe or tap with his hands and feet.

    • A gantry to place in front of him in his deckchair or above him when he is lying down.


    Around 4 months, your baby finally manages to hold an object in his hand. Colors, textures and sounds fascinate him: all the objects to look at, handle and bite are suitable for this age!

    He will undoubtedly appreciate:

    • Rattles and other small toys that are easy to grab, that he can shake to make them rattle and that he will put in his mouth. Choose them in various colors and materials to diversify your baby's experiences and renew their interest: wood, fabric, plush, garnished with bells, beads, bells, etc.

    • A chain of small toys to attach to his stroller to distract him during walks. • A teething ring to bite on, if teething starts to bother your baby.

    6 TO 12 MONTHS: TIME FOR HAND GAMES Your baby can sit upright. Well installed in his playpen or on his play mat and surrounded by his toys, he exercises all the skills of his hands and mouth: he feels, pinches, pulls, pushes, bites, sucks...

    Now is the time to offer him:

    • An activity board, with multiple buttons to pull, push, rotate, mirrors, textures, sounds and music… This multifunctional toy stimulates sight, hearing and touch, and it helps your child understand cause and effect. A great classic for long moments of discovery!

    • Musical toys that he can trigger himself.

    • Fabric books with different textures to touch.

    • Small soft plastic animals to entertain him while bathing. • Around 8 months, separation anxiety appears. If he doesn't already have one, you can offer your baby a cuddly toy impregnated with your scent to reassure him: this substitute object will quickly become an irreplaceable companion.

    12 TO 18 MONTHS: ON THE ROAD TO MOBILITY Your baby is taking his first steps: all the toys that allow him to exercise this new mobility will be very appreciated. His fine motor skills also improve: he begins to build, stack, fit... only to break everything the next moment!

    You can give him:

    • A walking cart that will help him stabilize and allow him to transport his toys.

    • A carrier in the shape of a truck, tractor, animal… This first “vehicle” gives him the possibility of moving around the house even if he is not yet comfortable on his own two legs. Opt for a model with multi-directional wheels, which are easier to maneuver.

    • A push or pull toy, which will quickly become your little one's walking companion.

    • Fitting or stacking games: colored plastic cubes or cups, shape boxes, pyramid of stacking rings, etc.

    • A first construction game, with large pieces that fit together easily. • A picture book to flip through with your baby, naming the objects presented. 1

    8 TO 24 MONTHS: FROM BABY TO CHILD Your child is full of energy and loves movement. At the same time, his manual skills are refined and his imagination develops as his language expands.

    He is advancing simultaneously on all fronts! You can meet their different needs with:

    • A rocking horse. • Early age puzzles with a few large wooden pieces fitted with a button to catch them.

    • Very large beads to string on a cord.

    • Large wax crayons or finger paint

    • A small musical instrument: piano, xylophone, maracas, etc.

    • A wooden train circuit and/or small cars. • Plastic animals.

    • Hardback books. 2 TO 3 YEARS:

    POWER OF IMAGINATION Your child is full of creativity and his imagination is working at full speed!

    It's time to provide them with supports to invent stories and give shape to their dreams:

    • Washable markers or paint and brushes.

    • Modeling clay.

    • Games to “do like the grown-ups”: dinette, store, miniature kitchen, DIY workbench, etc.

    • Miniature worlds to imagine a thousand and one stories: farm, doll's house, school, fire station, garage, etc.

    • A baby doll or doll.

    • A range of pirates, princesses, heroes, fairies, knights, doctors…

    • Storybooks to read together in the evening before going to sleep.