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    Osteopathy for little ones

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    L_osteopathie_pour_les_tout_petits - Mustela Canada - 1

    If the virtues of osteopathy are well known for adults, we sometimes think less about using it for babies. And yet, its effects are often surprising in the little ones, and its field of action is particularly broad: difficult childbirth, disturbed sleep, digestive disorders, inconsolable crying, difficulty suckling or even repeated bronchitis are all reasons for a doctor's consultation. your baby to an osteopath.

    Ready to try the experience?


    Osteopathy considers the body as a whole and starts from the principle that the different structures which compose it (joints, ligaments, muscles, viscera, etc.) are interdependent: any poor functioning of one element can affect the others and unbalance the whole body. the organism. Thus, osteopathy does not focus on treating a symptom but its cause, through manipulations that restore the proper mobility of organic tissues. Recognized by the Order of Physicians, this therapeutic method does not replace traditional medicine but provides a complement that often makes a difference. Its indications are multiple: in adults, it is known to relieve back pain, sciatica or joint pain, but it can also help treat disorders as diverse as constipation, urinary infections, asthma, ear infections, migraines, sleep disorders or stress. Also think about it during your pregnancy: the osteopath can help you relieve any pain and prepare your body for childbirth.

    WHAT INDICATIONS FOR BABIES? There is no age to consult an osteopath!

    Indeed, babies are particularly receptive to this technique, which often produces spectacular effects on them. In the weeks following birth, a little osteopathic check-up is always useful: childbirth subjects the baby to strong pressures which often lead to microtrauma. Some maternity hospitals also offer an osteopathic consultation on a systematic basis. This session is especially recommended if the delivery was difficult: labor that is too long or, on the contrary, very intense and rapid, the use of forceps or suction cups, breech presentation, induced delivery or even by cesarean section often disrupts the normal functioning of the baby's cranial structures. The osteopath will be able to detect these possible problems and resolve them quickly. Subsequently, the osteopath can help you resolve a multitude of problems: excessive crying, frequent regurgitation, colic, digestive problems and reflux, difficulty breastfeeding, sleep problems, signs of anxiety, recurrent bronchitis, etc. Take also the habit of carefully observing your baby: an excessive arch when you take him in your arms, a flattened skull at the back, a head always turned or tilted to the same side, stiffness of the limbs, postures that seem to you strange signs or a lack of tone are all signs which can reveal small blockages that an osteopath will be able to rectify.


    As with the doctor, the session always begins with an interview: the osteopath will ask you about the birth of your baby, his behavior, the problems that you may have identified and of course the reasons which lead you to consult. Then, he will place your baby on his osteopathy table, lying or sitting against him, and will carry out various gentle manipulations to check the mobility of the different parts of his body and, if necessary, treat any dysfunctions. If impressive crunches are sometimes present in osteopathy sessions for adults, there is nothing like this on the program for babies: very gentle and delicate, the manipulations are completely painless. Very often, they provide such relaxation to babies that they completely relax. They can sometimes even fall asleep during the session! However, it also happens that babies do not appreciate certain touches (especially to the scalp) and start to cry. They may also simply be frightened by the contact of an unknown person. Don't panic: your baby is not in pain! Your calm presence will help to reassure him: hold his hand, talk to him or sing him a nursery rhyme that he likes to help him calm down. Babies' physical blockages are generally quick to correct, because their young organism is very mobile: one or two sessions of around 30 minutes are most often enough to restore their physical comfort... and their joy of living!