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    • #Le soin de bébé
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    My baby sleeps poorly because of atopic eczema, what should I do?

    Updated on July 19, 2024
    Mon_bebe_dort_mal_a_cause_de_l_eczema_atopique_que_faire - Mustela Canada - 1

    Written in partnership with Dr Clarence De BELILOVSKY, Dermatologist member of the Mustela circle of experts


    Sleep disorders are one of the symptoms of atopic eczema. And once atopic eczema is declared, itching is one of the reasons for the sleep disorder. To try to calm your baby when the itching is not yet there but is coming, cuddles and your gentle voice will undoubtedly be the most comforting remedy combined with specific baby-child emollient treatments which help prevent their appearance.


    Are the redness already present? Here too, emollient treatments can immediately reduce the sensation of itching. Do not hesitate to repeat the application, even if you have already hydrated your child before bedtime.

    Only avoid oozing areas. In this case, the ointments prescribed by your doctor will be more suitable.

    This moment can help reassure your child. To help him fall asleep, you can take advantage of this last treatment to give him a little massage.

    If he is old enough to understand, you can explain to him what is happening to him and reassure him by reminding him that this itching will eventually disappear.

    You can also tell him a story. This will allow him to concentrate on something else and therefore reduce his discomfort. Finally, don't hesitate to turn down the heating if it's a little hot. The ideal is to maintain a temperature of 18C° at night to avoid too dry air.

    Certain parts of the body are more or less affected depending on age. If your baby cannot tell you precisely where it is itching, if he cries too much or if he does not yet speak, it will be up to you to sift through his sound. small body to identify red patches and provide it with all the care that could calm it in the event of flare-ups:

    - Before a year, take a good look at these small plump areas (cheeks, forehead), his arms and his stomach.

    - After a year, extremely dry skin prefers folds: on the elbows, on the legs or even behind the ears.

    - Between three and four years old, and up to around five or six years old, it will also like to be placed on the hands and face, around the mouth or on the eyelids.

    Once emollient treatments are applied, itching can disappear up to 95% with certain formulas, such as Emollient Balm or Stelatopia Emollient Cream. Your child should therefore regain his calm.

    Especially since the massage sensation he will have felt may also have soothed him.

    Making it easier to get back to sleep!