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    • #La Grossesse
    • #Santé et bien-être

    To build muscle gently, long live aquabiking

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    Pour_vous_muscler_en_douceur_vive_l_aquabiking - Mustela Canada - 1

    Aquabiking is a physical activity often recommended by doctors as a complement to rehabilitation. But for the future mother that you are, pedaling on a kind of indoor bike without a wheel attached to the bottom of a pool, is above all a lot of fun! Immersed up to the chest, all you have to do is gradually adjust the bike's resistance level to get the start of a 30 or 45m session that will do you a world of good. What benefits? Excellent for your circulation: pedaling underwater is similar to lymphatic drainage and helps stimulate your venous return, therefore combating heavy legs and edema. As a bonus, under the combined action of the resistance of the water and the circular movement of pedaling, you can even gradually dislodge that little cellulite that annoys you... Good for your whole body: like cycling on the road or apartment, aquabiking is an endurance activity that allows you to develop your heart and lung capacity and stabilize your blood pressure and blood sugar. Perfect for you and for baby! Great for vitality and morale: gently but deeply toned, your muscles (calves, thighs, glutes, abs) will help you feel more confident and gain dynamism. As for your morale, which can sometimes experience small drops, it will come out of there on a cloud: by working in this way with endurance, gently and without stress, you secrete endorphins more quickly, these famous hormones of well-being and effects are felt immediately! Ideal for relieving your joints: in the water, your weight is divided by four, your movements are both easier and gentler. This weightless practice allows you to maintain your body while avoiding any risk of injuries to your back, tendons and joints. And by restoring good muscular and postural balance, aquabiking also has the ability to relieve pain that you may feel in your hips, knees or lower back. What precautions? Your first instinct is of course to seek the advice of your doctor. Even if the activity is generally only discouraged in cases of heart problems and during osteoarthritis flare-ups, each case is specific, particularly during pregnancy. Once you have the green light from your doctor, you will simply ensure your comfort! Aquabiking is designed to offer you well-being, so you must practice at your own pace, ensure that the pedals are properly installed, the saddle is adjusted to the right level, do not arch your lower back and keep your head in alignment. your back. Once you get home, just remember to do a few stretches to optimize the relaxing and energizing effect of the session.