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    • #La Grossesse
    • #Santé et bien-être

    Why you also need to watch your teeth

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    Pourquoi_il_faut_aussi_surveiller_vos_dents - Mustela Canada - 1


    By modifying the hormonal balance, pregnancy weakens all tissues.

    The gums are no exception:

    They become more swollen, sometimes painful. And when faced with bacteria, natural defenses decrease. This is why you may bleed after biting into an apple or brushing your teeth.

    This inflammation must be quickly treated to avoid having adverse effects on hygiene. If you are tempted to brush your teeth less well so as not to cause bleeding, tartar will have plenty of time to settle in, accelerating the risk of periodontitis. To make brushing more pleasant, use a soft toothbrush and change your toothpaste if your usual paste suddenly has an unpleasant taste: this is another surprising but classic effect of pregnancy!


    When nausea and vomiting occur frequently, the pH of the mouth becomes more acidic. The enamel of your teeth is then exposed to accelerated wear, losing its shine and becoming more porous.

    Treating your nausea is therefore just as important to maintaining a beautiful smile. To neutralize this caused acidity, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with a fluoride formula recommended by your dentist (or with a glass of water with a little baking soda) than to use a brush and toothpaste: certain pastes can increase acidity and brushing triggers… new nausea!


    Good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist will help prevent or quickly treat an infection. Which is not always limited to the tooth, but can, by sneaking through its nerve, spread to the heart, the eyes, the muscles including the cardiac muscle...

    If in doubt or at the slightest suspicion, do not wait to make an appointment.


    Did you know ?

    The jaw is the first movable joint in the body. It is this which determines the overall balance, all the bruxism, this frequent grinding of teeth - especially at night - source of joint pain... This is how a bad occlusion (misaligned teeth or poorly fitted jaw can cause tension at the top of the head, neck, spine and hips and affect the balance of your entire skeleton. And as your back will be put under severe strain during pregnancy, you should not procrastinate. A dental panoramic is therefore recommended to check that everything is fine.

    Otherwise, the dentist may prescribe wearing a splint at night. Maybe not super-sexy but… very effective!