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    • #La Grossesse
    • #Santé et bien-être

    Expose yourself to the sun, Yes but...

    Updated on July 25, 2024
    S_exposer_au_soleil_Oui_mais - Mustela Canada - 1

    ...Doubly moisturize the epidermis

    A pregnant woman's skin is particularly fragile. Particularly because the hormonal influx accentuates water loss through sweat. The epidermis is therefore already in a situation of dehydration which sun exposure only accentuates. It's no secret: the sun attacks and dries the skin! To prevent exposure, it is therefore essential to moisturize your face and body daily with treatments specifically formulated to nourish the skin safely for you and your baby. Otherwise, the risk of tightness, discomfort, loss of elasticity and therefore stretch marks will be greater.

    ... Protect yourself effectively from UVA and B

    The sun promotes the appearance of brown spots on all skin. But this phenomenon is even more important during pregnancy because hormones stimulate the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for tanning... and certain spots. If we are not careful, we risk increasing the number of spots on the cheeks and forehead and laying the groundwork for the famous pregnancy mask. The thin brown line below the navel may also intensify. The same goes for established stretch marks that this over-pigmentation would make more visible. High sun protection (SPF 50, waterproof, with UVA and UVB filters) is therefore more necessary than ever, including, of course, to avoid getting sunburned and protect yourself from the risk of melanoma.

    ...Keep your legs cool

    Still under the influence of hormones, but also of weight gain, venous circulation is more difficult during pregnancy. From the 1st trimester, blood stagnates in the veins, distending them and weakening their walls. However, prolonged and static exposure to the sun has exactly the same effect... There is therefore no question of combining these two factors favoring the appearance of heavy legs, or even varicose veins. In the sun, the legs should move or stay in the shade. And benefit, on request, from an application of a fresh pregnancy gel specifically formulated to tone them and immediately relieve them of feelings of heaviness.

    ...Thinking hat, glasses and bottle of water

    It is obviously contraindicated to laze around in the sun all day: exposing yourself for an hour around 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. already helps stimulate the production of vitamin D necessary for calcium fixation. But shortening the exposure time does not mean doing without basic equipment. A hat remains essential to protect yourself from sunspots and heat stroke, and glasses are essential to protect the eyes, which, producing fewer tears under the hormonal effect, are more sensitive to irritation. And the water bottle also remains the absolute ally to counterbalance dehydration - hormonal and solar - which is as harmful to the proper functioning of the body as it is to skin health...