If from the start of pregnancy, the influx of progesterone slows down intestinal tone, it is generally in the third trimester that transit really slows down. Which is not serious in itself and is easily explained. Compression of the colon by the uterus may be the cause, as may certain supplements, particularly iron. But above all, we move less, we stress a little more and we give in more easily to the call of foods that are not always appropriate.
The first thing to do is therefore to review your diet, chew well, if possible walk half an hour a day and take your time using the toilet. Only if these measures do not bear fruit within a few days (or if pain or bleeding is associated) can the doctor prescribe treatment. Now is not the time to indulge in laxative self-medication!
Some water :
As nausea is a thing of the past, a large glass of water at room temperature swallowed upon waking up can immediately stimulate transit. Just as good regular hydration throughout the day (apart from meals) allows you to rehydrate the stools to promote evacuation. On medical advice, certain still waters rich in magnesium may prove useful.
Soft fibers:
Contained in fruits and vegetables, they are not all good to take. Vegetable section, favor those of green beans, cooked carrots, endives and fruit section, those of cooked fruits (prunes), very ripe (pear, peach) and always well peeled. Or, focus on compotes.
Dairy products :
those rich in probiotics in their skimmed version, notably yogurt, cottage cheese, petit suisses. But also cooked cheeses (Gruyère, Tomme des Pyrénées, etc.).
Complete or semi-complete foods:
bread, pasta, or rice in their whole version promote transit. But they can sometimes be aggressive for certain intestines or unpalatable for certain palates. Their semi-complete version is a good solution.
The degree of intestinal sensitivity is unique to each person. Also, even if certain foods have the ability to slow down transit, the assessment will always be personal. If they don't have an impact, there's no point in depriving yourself of them. Otherwise, it is better to advocate moderation or temporarily opt for other nutrients.
Certain fibers:
When they are too hard, they can irritate the fragile intestines and promote fermentation. As for legumes (lentils, flageolets, chickpeas, beans). To avoid depriving yourself of their benefits, it is better to favor lentils and ideally prepare them yourself after soaking them for a long time. In cans, make sure to rinse them well and cook them well.
On the vegetable side:
Those called “strong tasting” (all varieties of cabbage and celery, leeks, artichokes) tend to ferment. It may be recommended to consume them sparingly or to replace them with other vegetables favorable to transit (spinach, zucchini, fine green beans, etc.) to maintain a good vitamin intake. In case of sensitivity, we will also prefer to limit raw vegetables and raw vegetables and peel and seed tomatoes and cucumbers.
On the fruit side:
Sometimes it's better to postpone cravings for unripe bananas, cherries or plums, which are very rich in sorbitol, a natural sugar that is not always well digested. If the raw apple is a problem, we prefer it in compote. And we will without hesitation put the emphasis on oranges, pineapple or grapes: the range of fruits is wide enough to benefit daily from their richness in vitamins and antioxidants.
Fats and spices:
It is advisable to limit the consumption of saturated fats (fatty meats, cold meats, overly rich cooking) and prefer unsaturated fats (salmon, olive and rapeseed oil), which are friendly to the cardiovascular system and transit. Sensitive intestines will sometimes also have to limit aggressive condiments and spices (pickles, pepper, chilli, strong mustard) which can slow down digestion.