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    Health and well-being

    Pregnancy is a unique, magical time. It is also a time when we ask ourselves a lot of questions. So, we tell you everything: stretch marks, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding, ... to take care of yourself, your relationship and your future baby.

    Pour vous muscler en douceur, vive l'aquabiking - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy To build muscle gently, long live aquabiking
    Pedaling in water combines the virtues of endurance sports with the benefits of balneotherapy. In this second tr...
    Le massage pour soulager vos jambes lourdes - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy Massage to relieve your heavy legs
    MUSTELA and STÉPHANIE REGINSTER, KINESITHERAPTISTPresentMassage to relieve your heavy legs.
    Matières, tissus…Le vrai du faux - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy Materials, fabrics…The true from the false
    Cotton, silk, synthetic… Are certain clothing materials not recommended during pregnancy? Or on the contrary rec...
    Jambes lourdes ? Comment les soulager efficacement - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy Heavy legs ? How to relieve them effectively
    It is mainly at the end of pregnancy that heavy legs syndrome is most marked. It's logical, it can be explained ...
    Adieu les démangeaisons, vive la douceur ! - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy Goodbye itching, long live softness!
    A classic manifestation of pregnancy, your itchy skin will quickly soothe if you respond to it with special care...
    Un bon transit, ça joue dans l'assiette - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy A good transit, it plays on the plate
    One in two pregnancies is accompanied by a sluggish transit. A situation that can easily be remedied by revising...
    Des jambes légères… En 3 temps et un clin d'œil ! - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy Light legs... In 3 steps and the blink of an eye!
    Without even waiting for the end of the day, are your legs more and more ready to show their weariness, their he...
    Le massage pour détendre votre dos - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Pregnancy Massage to relax your back
    MUSTELA and STÉPHANIE REGINSTER, PHYSIOTHERAPY, present massage to relax your back.