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  • Welcome to the Mustela Mag Blog

    Pregnancy, childbirth, first months, early childhood... Becoming a parent is a great adventure and many questions arise! Mustela shares her tips and advice for taking care of yourself, your baby and your family day after day.

    Mustela_blog_mag_0b554cd7-0f71-4900-8387-5eea0bc2f069 - Mustela Canada - 1
    Pour vous muscler en douceur, vive l'aquabiking - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse To build muscle gently, long live aquabiking
    Pedaling in water combines the virtues of endurance sports with the benefits of balneotherapy. In this second tr...
    Le massage pour soulager vos jambes lourdes - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse Massage to relieve your heavy legs
    MUSTELA and STÉPHANIE REGINSTER, KINESITHERAPTISTPresentMassage to relieve your heavy legs.
    Allaitement, mythes et réalités. Démêlez le vrai du faux ! - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Allaitement Breastfeeding, myths and realities. Sort out the truth from the fiction!
    Breastfeeding fuels many “they say”! Between the often contradictory experiences that have been related to you, ...
    Pour allaiter en toute sérénité - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Allaitement To breastfeed with complete peace of mind
    Is your little one just born or about to arrive? To extend the close bond that has developed between you during ...
    Quand et comment reprendre le sport ? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse When and how to return to sport?
    Good for health and morale, sport also allows you to regain a toned figure more quickly. But your body, as a you...
    Matières, tissus…Le vrai du faux - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse Materials, fabrics…The true from the false
    Cotton, silk, synthetic… Are certain clothing materials not recommended during pregnancy? Or on the contrary rec...
    Qui pour m'accompagner le jour J ? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Accouchement et naissance Who will accompany me on the big day?
    Childbirth is a unique, precious... and intimate moment, which everyone, depending on their sensitivity, wants t...
    Jambes lourdes ? Comment les soulager efficacement - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse Heavy legs ? How to relieve them effectively
    It is mainly at the end of pregnancy that heavy legs syndrome is most marked. It's logical, it can be explained ...
    Adieu les démangeaisons, vive la douceur ! - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse Goodbye itching, long live softness!
    A classic manifestation of pregnancy, your itchy skin will quickly soothe if you respond to it with special care...
    Quelle méthode pour accoucher en toute sérénité ? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Accouchement et naissance What method to give birth with complete peace of mind?
    To fully and peacefully experience the big day, there is nothing like preparing for it quietly and with good sup...
    Un bon transit, ça joue dans l'assiette - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse A good transit, it plays on the plate
    One in two pregnancies is accompanied by a sluggish transit. A situation that can easily be remedied by revising...
    Des jambes légères… En 3 temps et un clin d'œil ! - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse Light legs... In 3 steps and the blink of an eye!
    Without even waiting for the end of the day, are your legs more and more ready to show their weariness, their he...
    Le massage pour détendre votre dos - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse Massage to relax your back
    MUSTELA and STÉPHANIE REGINSTER, PHYSIOTHERAPY, present massage to relax your back.
    Comment soigner une peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé How to treat extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Comment reconnaitre une peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé How to recognize extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau très sensible? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is very sensitive skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau normale? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is normal skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    10 commandements pour retrouver sa féminité - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse 10 commandments to regain your femininity
    Between the arrival of a baby, fatigue, our deformed body... We tend to forget ourselves! However, it is essenti...
    5 conseils pour restimuler votre couple après bébé - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse 5 tips to re-stimulate your relationship after baby
    Your little one is now there, nestled between the two of you. You are happy parents. But what about your romanti...
    Après bébé, chouchoutez votre peau ! - Mustela Canada - 1
    #La Grossesse After baby, pamper your skin!
    Do you dream of finding soft, supple and firm skin like that of your baby? By opting for the right care, you wil...
    Comment bien vous nourrir en allaitant bébé ? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Allaitement How to feed yourself well while breastfeeding your baby?
    By deciding to breastfeed your child, you have chosen to meet his nutritional needs in the most natural way poss...
    Eczéma atopique, sécheresse cutanée de bébé, comment en parler à la crèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    Atopic eczema, dry skin in babies, how to talk about it at daycare?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...